Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and its characters belong to the Paramount Pictures.

Author's note: This story was written for Mizvoy for VAMB's Secret Santa. Big thanks to Ibagoalie, my Beta Reader.

Rating: PG-13

Homecoming by Eos

Coffee in hand, Kathryn stared out of the window of her office in the Headquarters. It's been six months since they came back from the Delta Quadrant through an ancient, almost collapsed wormhole. She still couldn't believe it. At one moment their lives were slowly returning to what could be described as 'normal' after Quarrans' brainwashing, and suddenly, a moment later, they were Federation's heroes, returning from their 24th century's odyssey. The crew dispersed throughout the quadrant, seeking their family and friends and reacquainting themselves with old and long forgotten lives. Chakotay accepted a teaching position at the Academy, took a leave of absence, and disappeared. Janeway found herself at the center of attention of the entire quadrant. There wasn't a day without an interview or meeting with one or another official or ambassador. And when all this madness finally started to calm down a bit, she realized their family was gone. For seven years more than 140 people were living together, working together and sharing all of their joys and despairs with one another. Now with the crew scattered throughout the quadrant she found herself surrounded with strangers.

"It's not how I imagined our homecoming," she thought bitterly. "It was never supposed to end like this, never..."

An urgent call from Admiral Hayes interrupted her train of thought.


The dusk was slowly setting across an endless, desert-like plain. Sand and dust carried by the hot wind made it difficult to breathe. Chakotay stared at what was once his home village. He remembered a green valley teeming with life, nestling more than a dozen scattered households. His house was built near the riverbank. As a child he loved to surreptitiously go out to swim late at night, much to his parents' dismay. He closed his eyes. Cardassians were so efficient in their destruction. No life stood a chance. There was no sign of any valley or the river. Everything has been melted or vaporized. Plain, barren desert was all that was left of his home. He felt nothing except a dull ache in his chest. He hadn't forgotten the moment he set foot on Trebus just after the massacre. All this destruction had been beyond his comprehension. He remembered the pain and anger he felt and all the blasphemous words he screamed at the Spirits for letting the bastards kill his family. After so much time all this anger and despair had left his soul, but the pain was still raw and consuming, just like the moment he stood here on a still hot ground. A sudden wave of loneliness passed through his heart.

"This is the home I fought so hard to come back to," Chakotay thought with sadness. "Ashes of the long gone world."

He stood there late into the night, illuminated only by his runabout's lights.


"Admiral Janeway, thank you for being so prompt," said Starfleet's Chief of Operations Alynna Necheyev in her usual stern voice, sitting at her large desk and looking inquisitively at her subordinate. "I have a special assignment for you."

Kathryn cringed inside hearing those words. Necheyev's idea of a "special assignment" usually meant a highly classified and extremely risky project of an utmost importance to the Federation's security. She spent seven years on a 24/7 duty, and despite her disappointment with her life at the moment, she wasn't looking forward to more "adventures" in the near future.

"I assume Admiral Hayes briefed you on the most recent events in the former Demilitarized Zone."

"Yes, Ma'am. The situation has become very disturbing there. I thought after the Dominion War it wasn't an issue any more."

"We thought so, too, until the "Orion Belt" reported it's findings," the older woman paused and looked squarely at Janeway. "However, our knowledge is extremely limited. We need to send someone experienced out there, to make a detailed reconnaissance, and if possible, try to discreetly resolve the situation."

"You want to send me," Kathryn heart sunk. "Not this, not now," she silently pleaded.

"You're the best suited brass level officer for this assignment."

"Admiral, I'm still familiarizing myself with the recent history of the region. I don't possess half the necessary knowledge to correctly assess the situation. I have spend last seven years in another part of the Galaxy."

"Which is exactly why we need you there," answered Necheyev smugly. "You're accustomed to acting on your own, without turning to the Headquarters with the slightest problem. You are resourceful and have significant diplomatic skills. Besides, you've served with former Maquis all these years. You have a unique insight in their motivations, abilities and strategy. And I don't think I need to point out to you the significance and delicacy of this mission."

"No, Ma'am, you don't."

"Excellent. You'll take the USS "Aquila". It's a small but smart scout ship. Captain Gorimov has been already briefed. You're departing tomorrow at 06:00. This PADD contains all the details. Any questions?"

"No, Ma'am," Janeway answered weakly. The Admiral hadn't even asked if she agreed to take this assignment. "She never takes no for an answer," she silently thought.

"Well then, good luck. Everybody is counting on you, Admiral."

Kathryn nodded, rose and quietly left the office.


Chakotay was sitting in a lousy tavern on one of the not so many colonies in the DMZ that actually more or less survived the recent conflicts. He nibbed at the poor excuse of a lunch he'd been served. The taste reminded him of leola root. It had been ages since places like this were constantly present in his life. He was never fond of them, despite the fact that they provided a much needed anonymity and were often the only way to gather supplies. He had recruited in these ratholes so many of his crew, including Paris.

"Long time no see, Chakotay," a stranger emerged from the shadows and greeted him.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" Answered Chakotay warily.

"Don't you recognize an old friend, Chief?" The man came closer to the light.

"That's not possible... Rogers, Johnny Rogers?" Asked Chakotay with astonishment, recognizing one of his best friends from the Maquis. "I've been told you're long dead."

"Most of us are dead, my friend," the newcomer replied with a sigh. "I've managed somehow to survive the massacre, along with some close comrades."

"I've never realized I'd meet a friendly face here, not after so many years. You cannot imagine how happy I am to see you among the living, Johnny," Chakotay was truly happy to see him alive. "So tell me, what have you been doing since the end of the war?"

"The war with them is never over," Rogers' face clouded instantly. "Have you forgotten what we've been fighting for?"

"Of course, I haven't forgotten. But the reasons are long gone, and if we won't try to move past our differences, there will be no peace," answered Chakotay, troubled with his old friend's attitude.

"I see that seven years of wearing their precious uniform clouded your judgment," Johnny's face hardened. "We need you too much, you will help us whether you want it or not."

"What are you talking about, Rog..." Chakotay didn't get to finish his sentence when someone pressed a hypospray to his neck and everything faded into darkness.


"Admiral Janeway, welcome aboard the "Aquila". It's an honor serving with you," a handsome man in his early forties greeted Kathryn in a transporter room. "I'm Captain Alexander Gorimov, and these are: my Executive Officer, Commander Yogoshi Sato, Chief of Security and Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Anita Gonzalez and Ensign T'Sara." He pointed in turn to a smiling Asian man standing next to him, a young woman in yellow uniform, and a very young Vulcan female behind a transporter console.

"Thank you, Captain," answered Janeway with a smile, and looked around the room. "It's been awhile since I've been on a starship." A little bit of nostalgia was evident in her voice.

"Admiral, I'm sure you haven't lost your touch after only six months at Headquarters," replied a somewhat amused Gorimov. His tone became serious. "We've received new intelligence data from DS9. Shall we proceed to the Briefing Room?"

"Lead the way, Captain."


The very first thing Chakotay felt was a massive headache. He forced his eyes open and slowly looked around. The dark cell he found himself in looked like a living quarters in an old modified Yeager class starship - small, maneuverable and easy to hide in most gaseous nebulas - one of the most commonly used vessel in the Maquis...

"Maquis... Rogers!" He said aloud.

"I see you've regained consciousness, my friend," said the man emerging from the shadows. "No, no, don't move so fast. The headache will be gone soon."

"What do you want, Johnny? Why have you brought me here?"

"We want only a small favor. You've served on a Starfleet vessel as a First Officer for seven years. All we ask are your access codes."

"Why do you need them? The war has ended, the Federation has long forgotten about you and the Cardassians have far bigger problems than chasing couple of ex-Maquis."

"Exactly, my friend. Cardassia is weak, it doesn't pose a threat to us or anyone else now. But that will change, sooner than later. If we don't eliminate them while we can, we'll never have peace," Rogers' voice was full of conviction.

"You're proposing genocide," Commander's eyes widened with horror.

"They've murdered your family, Chakotay, don't you remember? How many other colonies have suffered the same fate? They've been butchering us almost since the first contact," his eyes became dark with anger. "If we don't stop them now, how many of our people will suffer in the future? Answer me!" He shouted with fury.

Chakotay realized all this discussion was pointless. There was no love lost between the Cardassians and himself, but he learned with time to let go of his hatred. Even as a fighting rebel, he hadn't attacked civilian vessels or colonies. Innocent people had never been his enemies, no matter of what species.

"You're right, Johnny, they will be a threat in the future," he decided to play along for now. "But I'm not sure what can be done about it."

"You'll see, Chakotay, when you give me your codes," replied the madman suspiciously.

"I can't give them to you if I don't know what purpose they'll serve."

"We need information, and your security clearance is high enough. Think about it, my friend. This is our last chance to resolve the problem once and for all," Rogers said and left the cabin.


"John Rogers, one of the few ex-Maquis who avoided both death and capture," Gorimov presented Janeway the rebel's intelligence file. "He's kept low profile for the last two years, but now he started recruiting people and procuring weapons. Our agent is certain he's preparing a big operation against Cardassia."

"Cardassia isn't posing a threat at the moment, and they want to use it to their advantage," said Kathryn. "Admiral Hayes informed me of a recent attack at a secured by Starfleet storage site of biological weapons, formerly Obsidian Order property. Somehow, information of it's location had leaked. They may want to use the weapon to contaminate the global water distribution system. Getting to Cardassia isn't so difficult, they may camouflage as a humanitarian aid vessel. All they would need is an authentication code, which can be obtained by everyone with level 5 clearance."

"And that can be provided by another ex-Maquis, your former First Officer, Commander Chakotay."

"What are you implying, Captain?" There was a clear warning in Janeway's voice.

"Admiral, no one believes in his defection. Our agent saw him being carried out of the tavern on Tarros IV."

Kathryn heart sunk when she heard these words. She felt very anxious and worried. She was somewhat surprised at the extent of her reaction. She cared about him a lot, he was, after all, her best friend and a former subordinate. However, it didn't look like these emotions were just an effect of a deep friendship. She thought she had convinced herself a long time ago that she wasn't in love with him. Maybe there's still time... Kathryn mentally shook her head. This wasn't the time for such musings. She needed to find him and bring him back alive and well, and then there will be the time to figure it all out, and maybe... This resolve helped her to compose herself.

"You mean my First Officer was kidnapped and no one cared to inform me? When did it happen?" Despite her skills at hiding her emotions, agitation and concern were still evident on her face. However, they were followed soon by a death glare directed at the poor Captain.

"Admiral, I've just received the report," answered the somewhat subdued Gorimov. "Our man believes Rogers will try to coerce him into cooperation."

"With all due respect, Captain, it's not easy to coerce Commander Chakotay into anything, especially into genocide," Janeway's tone became icy. "I suggest ending this discussion and going on with our mission."

"Of course, Admiral," replied the officer, following Kathryn to the Bridge.


Chakotay was laying on his cot and staring at the bulkhead. He'd searched every cubic millimeter of the cabin, and there didn't seem a way to get out. Truth be told, he didn't expect a way out. Rogers was always very thorough in securing prisoners' cells. He sighed. He'd been here alone for about five hours. Since plotting an escape turned out to be a futile effort, his thoughts wandered to more personal issues. He should've been happy to come back home.

"Home? "Voyager" was my home," he thought. "I've never thought I would miss it so much - I would miss all my friends, and Kathryn... Stop it, Old Man. She doesn't love you, maybe once, a long time ago... But if we still have a chance, I must..."

His musings were interrupted by an unmistakable sound of a phaser fire hitting the ship.


"Unknown vessel, I repeat once again - surrender or be destroyed," Janeway said in her best no-one-messes-with-me voice over an open commlink.

"Admiral Janeway, it's an honor to meet you," Rogers' smug face appeared on the "Aquila's" viewscreen. "I'm sure we can resolve our differences during a fine meal. Please, I invite you to..."

"Mr. Rogers, you're outgunned. Surrender your vessel," repeated Kathryn with barely concealed impatience.

"Never!" His eyes turned into stone. "You've just became responsible for the deaths of every man, woman and child who will be killed by Cardassians in the future. And, of course, your puppet First Officer..."

The rebel severed the commlink.

"They've rerouted all their power to the shields!" shouted Lieutenant Gonzalez from Tactical.

"Sensors show the autodestruct sequence has been engaged, sirs" came from the Ops station.

"We need to disable their shields and transport everyone out of the vessel," Janeway ordered the Tactical officer.

"Our tractor beam is very unique, Admiral," said Captain Gorimov. "We can modify it to disrupt their shield's frequency."

"Do it!"

"Sirs, it's working," reported Commander Sato, standing next to the Ops officer. "Their shields are down.... now!"

"Commencing transport," said Gonzalez. "Everyone from that ship is in Cargo Bay 2, security just arrived there."

"Helm, get us out of here, full impulse!" ordered the Captain.


"Hello, Chakotay," Janeway greeted him in an unusually soft voice.

"Kathryn, I'm so happy to see you. They sent you to find me?"

"They sent me to find that madman, you just conveniently happened to be on his ship," Janeway tone turned more serious. "Why did you leave just after debriefings? What have you been doing all these months?"

"I've been looking for home."

"And... have you found it?" Kathryn asked quietly.

"It depends," he stepped a little bit closer to her.

"On what?"

"On you. I love you, Kathryn, I have loved you for many years," he looked in her eyes, hope written all over his face.

"Chakotay..." she whispered tenderly and touched his face. "Welcome home."

The End

I'd love some feedback.

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