Disclaimer: Star Trek: Voyager and its characters belong to Paramount Pictures.

Author's note: Big thanks to Ibagoalie, my Beta.

Rating: G

You by Eos

I'm sitting on the bridge, holding the latest engineering report. There's another glitch in the warp core's cooling system. Nothing serious, but B'Elanna's keeping an eye on it. Tom Paris is surreptitiously writing another message on his console. One look at Harry and I know who the recipient is. Tuvok is standing at Tactical as usual.

Then I look at you. You're working quietly on something, yet you sense my gaze. You turn your head and look at me. Our eyes meet and there's nobody else in my world any more.

Only you.

I'll tell you this someday. I promise.

The End

I'd love some feedback.

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