Disclaimer: They belong to Paramount, not to me. I'm just having some fun.

Author's note: This is my attempt at a turbolift drabble. Big thanks to Ibagoalie for beta reading, and Kat Lady for encouragement.

Rating: PG

Crew's Morale by Eos

"Tell me, Chakotay, how on a 24th century state of the art starship, can turbolifts malfunction five times a month?" asked an irritated Captain, pacing the confined space.

"Our crew's getting impatient," he answered with a sigh.

"Oh, I know damn well why we're doing this," her irritation changed into sarcasm. "Crew's morale."

"They need something to do when it's quiet," said Chakotay as he eyed Kathryn, then pushed her up to the wall and kissed her passionately.

After a while, she answered in a husky voice, "I believe gossip and Paris's betting pool improve not only the crew's morale."

The End

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